Benjamin Whitaker
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

The start of the revolution

Okay so first of all, there are three classes in France. the lower class, middle class and the higher class The last two classes partied all the time and spent their money on useless things since they were the richest class they have the most of the money. Well, the lowest class was being taxed on almost anything. Eventually, they up-roared

There were riots everywhere but things got worse a drought swept through the land of France

France’s Economic state was at an all-time low at the same time taxes up at an all-time high for the lowest class.

The drought brought a lack of bread and food for the people but the king and the highest two classes had well over enough. Something historic happened that day a riot or should I say a storming of a fortress. the Bastille fortress was about the only governmental authority in Paris at that time

The men and women disarmed the fortress on the 14 of July 1789 marking the first action toward the revolution.


In France there was a very influential man called Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre. He was a French lawyer and he influenced many things to come.Oh and he also had a very bad skin condition with which he could only be in his bathtub otherwise he would die. There’s a lot of things that happened in this Period. I’ll try to cover all of them quickly. First There was the wives March, a historical event Taken out of the books of History. October 5th-6th 1789 the Women marched toward the palace many men and women joined them on the way. It all started when Hunger had struck in the Versailles. A rumor had spread that there were stocks of flour with the king and the queen during those days of famine. Knowing this, many Parisian women marched towards Versailles and ransacked the apartment of the queen and also kidnapped the king to bring him back to Paris so they could have control over the king soon after

The nobility was abolished by the National Assembly. King Louis XVI and Queen Mary attempted to flee France

They disguised themselves as servants But sadly they were Caught at one of the border cities called Varennes and brought back to be locked up in a cell. But soon neighboring countries saw the conflict in France and showed support for King Louis XVI

by declaring that if the king dies they would declare war on France and burn Paris to the ground


The people seized close to all power from the king. France declared war on Austria

And France slowly gained land to the east.

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre wrote to the people to even be fearful of the people they already Arrested. be fearful of the ones who think thoughts of reviving the throne, kill all who Oppose us. He said in his letters.

From this, a man called joseph-Ignace Guillotin created the all famous Guillotine a head-chopping machine

In the next few years 60,000 heads rolled on to the ground If you even mentioned the crown or if you assault the revolutionaries.

Your head would roll, because the letter Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre wrote made the people fear. They called for the king’s head! Thousands of people stormed the prison that held the king and queen.

They threw the king to the Guillotine. a year past in this time Thousands more were the victims of the Guillotine

Including the queen herself. The radicals of france even implemented a new calendar called the french revolutionary calendar.

Soon the people of France turned on Robespierre and had him arrested and threw him to the Guillotine also.

He had the same fate as the people he had killed.that last death marked THE END of the French Revolution.

After Napoleon Bonaparte took over France and made it the First French Empire!


The French Revolution was a period of time in France when the people overthrew the monarchy and took control of the government. When did it take place? The French Revolution lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799. It began on July 14, 1789, when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille.



Benjamin Whitaker

I write whatever is interesting to me whether that may be History or demography